Pre-Purchase Surveys
A pre purchase yacht survey is a detailed in and out of water technical inspection of a yacht. We will also consider how the yacht will stand up to the conditions anticipated in the area in which she is to be operated, either privately or commercially. Generally, an in water motoring trial will be included, and where requested engine oil samples analysed.

Damage Surveys
Damage to yachts does occur even with a professional yacht crew let alone the rest of us! It is a part of life that damage can occur to a yacht, whether it is between two vessels at sea, a static object or internally.
Though a surveyor may be employed by an underwriter to undertake a survey of the damage it should be remembered that such a surveyor will act in the interest of the underwriter and not the owner. We will impartially assess the cause of any damage, the cost of repairs and give a view on the apportionment of liability and prospect of recovery, which can be used in the event of a dispute.

Insurance Surveys
Yacht surveys for insurance condition purposes cover much the same ground as pre-purchase surveys though the scope is reduced in terms of detail (unless requested otherwise). Such a survey will be to satisfy an underwriter as to the condition of the yacht and therefore the insured risk. The requirement for the undertaking of this survey will usually be to satisfy an underwriter though a condition survey is strongly advised at five year intervals for any yacht.

MCA Coding Surveys
Most of the appointed Surveyors are authorised by the IIMS Certifying Authority or YBDSA to undertake examinations in connection with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Code of Practice for small commercial vessels.

Tonnage Measurements
Tonnage surveys are a prerequisite for registration. We or the appointed Surveyor is/are authorised by most of the Red Ensign registries to undertake Tonnage Measurement Surveys. We are associated with a number of well respect and independent yacht surveyors worldwide.

Valuation Surveys
We can provide Valuation Inspections and Surveys either for the Owner, for Insurers or any Bank or Leasing company who are assisting a Buyer in a purchase. These inspections can take place at the outset of the loan or risk and periodically thereafter.

Survey Locations
Ward McKenzie was established in 1997. We are associated with Yacht Surveyors worldwide. Due to the international nature of our operation it has always been possible to undertake quality yacht surveys all over the world, often from a base close at hand, thus reducing time and cost.